S4:E84 – Iluminati Congo - Easy Psychedelic Breathing (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

10 months ago

On January 17th, 2024, Illuminati Congo presented at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 1: Liberate Your Mind, Body, & Soul.

Illuminati Congo is a Chicago-based one-of-a-kind project melding hip hop aesthetic with reggae consciousness, imagined and realized by visionary frontman Jahn Da Baptist and backed by production created by Nic the Graduate. The last decade has seen few emcees as prolific and dynamic in lyrical content as Jahn Da Baptist. From cripture imbibed songs like “Shiva Smokin’” to odes about physical immortality on “Eternal Life” to songs celebrating “Bike Ridin’” to the comedic admonishment of “ILLiterate,” Illuminati Congo covers major territory. Jahn’s lyrical dynamism is well complimented by Nic The Graduate’s spectral production, which borrows from hip-hop, reggae, soul, funk and electronic strands.

Learn more: https://illuminaticongo.com/