S4:E98 – Announcing The People's Reset: UK in September 2024!

The Freedom Cell Network and Free Humanity presents:

The People's Reset: UK "Our Summit for the Future" September 27-29, 2024 Apex Hotel, Bath, UK

After 4 years and 5 solutions-focused events, we’re bringing the Activation to the UK! Dan Astin-Gregory and Derrick Broze share more bout The People's Reset: UK and how you can participate!

Get your tickets now: https://www.thegreaterreset.org

Read the official announcement here: https://thegreaterreset.org/blog/the-peoples-reset-uk/

S4:E97 – Dr. Lydia Gian. de Leon & Arturo Ponce de Leon - Architecture for Life Harmonics (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18, 2024, Dr. Lydia Gian. de Leon & Arturo Ponce de Leon spoke at The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation on Day 2, Permaculture & Food Independence.

Lydia is a Greek Architect and Wellness Coach, with a focus on the relation of buildings on health and well-being. She holds a Ph.D in Physiology on the subject of the effect on geophysical anomalies on biology and has published in peer-review journals and conferences, as well as an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design. She is a member of Resonance Academy with the course “The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples”. She has been researching for 15 years the relation of ancient temples and their location, and sheis the author of the book “The Power of Sacred Location”. She is the creator of Healing Architecture and co-founder of Geophilia.

Arturo is a Mexican Architect, Engineer, Psychologist and expert in Sacred Geometry, which he has been teaching for 20 years and applying to architectural design in all scale projects. He is founder of the companies Psicogeometria, Arqka, University of Sacred Geometry and cofounder of Geophilia. He is the author of two books, “Psychogeometry: the power of life”, and “Biofractal: the science of Sacred Geometry and Biological Architecture”. He is an international speaker in universities, conferences and seminars.


S4:E96 – Yoshi and Pola Pantera - Beyond Sustainability: The Art of Regenerative Culture (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18, 2024, Yoshi and Pola Pantera spoke at The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation on Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

Yoshi and Pola will unveil actionable solutions for cultivating regenerative habits, principles, and tools, drawing from ancestral wisdom. They’ll guide you in accelerating personal healing and embracing a regenerative lifestyle within holistic systems, including building lasting relationships, urban tribes, ecovillages, and self-sufficient homesteads.

For those seeking a deeper dive, don’t miss Yoshi and Pola’s in-person workshops and community events in Mexico, Florida, and Ecuador. They also offer one-on-one and couple-to-couple therapies and ceremonies to enhance your lifestyle.

Yoshi Pantera is a MC & Podcast Host, Community Builder, Permaculture Designer, Festival & Retreat Producer, Plant Based Vegan Chef, Entrepreneur, Poetry Writer and Salsa Dancer.​​​​​​​

Pola Pantera is a Holistic Spiritual Vegan Chef, Permaculture Designer, Community Builder, Health Educator, Mentor of the Sacred Femininity, Herbalist, Artivist, Festival & Retreat Producer, Singer-Songwriter and Dancer.

Individually and together, they’ve produced numerous community-based events, ceremonies, retreats, festivals, and workshops since 2009, fostering a culture of regeneration. Their participation extends to renowned festivals like Symbiosis Gathering, Global Eclipse, Burning Man, and The Greater Reset 4.

Yoshi founded Collective Wave in 2009, a movement dedicated to regenerating life through innovative projects for Mother Earth and transformative experiences for humanity. Pola joined in 2014 and together they have created regenerative projects under this movement, which currently include: Seeds Transcendence (2014), a regenerative culture training and community retreat; Flora Plant Based Cuisine (2016), a vegan restaurant; and the Regenerative Culture Podcast (2020).


S4:E95 – Jim Gale - Together We Win! (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18, 2024, Jim Gale spoke at The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation for Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

Jim is an outdoor enthusiast, entrepreneur, permaculture expert, financial expert, husband, father, and friend.

A 4-time All American and National Champion wrestler, Jim has excelled at pursuing his goals with fervor and passion in part through his practice of inspired visioning and meditation.

Jim has spent his adult life exploring, he backpacked through 37 countries, lived with the Maasai, experienced Island life in Hawaii for a time all learning about cultures and fine tuning his interests.

At 29, he set new goals starting with “to be retired in 3 years,” and then created a billion dollar mortgage company in three years helping him accomplish that life goal.

Following the achievement of his mortgage success, he bought a boat and lived on the ocean for a year, then moved to Costa Rica to build eco-villages where he discovered permaculture. This was a life-changing experience, the A-HA moment where he set a new mission to bring this concept to every household in the world. And voila, Food Forest Abundance was born.

Jim is a sought-after motivational speaker who discusses self-reliance, entrepreneurship, food independence/supplies, sovereignty, and a ‘grow freedom’ mindset.


S4:E94 – Paul and Lauren Bell - Perma-Culture: Growing Roots and Manifesting Community (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18, 2024, Paul and Lauren Bell spoke at The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation for Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

Paul and Lauren Bell are the founders of TruthLoveAndFreedom.com, a platform for activism, teaching Natural Law, morality, and voluntaryism, as well as BlueHillFarmOrganics.com, both of which operate from their certified organic permaculture farm in Southern California. The producing fruit orchard and diverse food gardens that they established feed their family, friends, and now the greater community with their fruit juices and mobile restaurant AhimsaBowls.com. In addition to leading school farm tours, teaching permaculture classes, and hosting wellness and yoga retreats, they are dedicated to building community through recurring Activation Empowerment Retreats at their farm. Together they host and teach a nature based homeschool co-op.

Paul is a certified yoga teacher, he has been a chef and culinary expert for over 30 years, and is committed to preparing only organic plant-based cuisine. He spent his early years in a remote, off-grid community, and has come full circle, raising his own young family on a biodynamic homestead.

Since Lauren was young she has been a nature philosopher also learning to work in the visionary realm, studying world spiritualities, astrology, working with animal messengers, plant-spirit shamanism, and eco-psychology. Lauren holds a B.A. in Eco-Philosophy, a M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness with an emphasis in Integral Ecology, and is certified to teach Permaculture Design through Living Mandala. Paul and Lauren are devoted to conscious parenting, right-livelihood, modeling an ethical relationship between our food choices and the natural world, and intentionally building community grounded in the fundamental knowledge of Natural Law.

S4:E93 – Sean Hawkins - The Power of Mushrooms (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18th, 2024, Sean Hawkins spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

Sean Hawkins is a Mushroom grower, Soil Smith, teacher & student of regenerative agriculture, and citizen scientist.

Owner of Cultivated Mind, a wellness based mycology & herbal focused company. We grow and source the highest quality organic mushrooms and herbs to provide the purest extracts possible.

Our Vision of a Regenerative Future:

Our dedication to educate and create decentralized food systems is foundational in our hearts. We will change the system together by empowering others to build their own and grow their local farming communities. This will intern enlighten new stewards of the Earth to go beyond just sustainable, but Regenerative! Simply by growing mushrooms you are creating new soil, remediating toxins, and starting new diverse microbiomes right in your local environment.

S4:E92 – Sarah Wu - Regenerative Herbalism (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18th, 2024, Sarah Wu spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

Sarah Wu is a passionate educational curator, facilitator and mentor dedicated to adult learners of all backgrounds. A representative for Mother Nature as a writer and teacher of Deep Ecology, Therapeutic Ecology and Whole Systems Design shared through the lens of Herbalism and Permaculture. Sarah Wu has 23 years studying and practicing the science, art and craft of Regenerative Herbal Medicine. Her foundation is in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Wise Woman Traditions, actively practicing clinical herbalism in the Neo-Tropics for 14 years. With 30 and counting, 75+hour Permaculture Design Courses (PDC) in her portfolio, which encompasses earth sciences, regenerative strategies for human settlement design, community development and alternative social structuring. She can teach all aspects of herbal medicine from Materia Medica, ethnobotany, medicine making, formulation and anatomy/physiology. Sarah teaches workshops to young women, 10 – 16 years old about their physical and spiritual bodies in correspondence with lunar and planetary rhythms. She is well versed, teaching archetypal symbolism and storytelling for personal reflection via Tarot and Evolutionary Astrology.

Sarah holds a degree in Art History from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There she focused her studies in symbolism, allegory, philosophy and world religions. Sarah trained in the fine arts for ten years, with a specific love for illustration, place making and altar creation. She is well versed, teaching archetypal symbolism and storytelling for personal reflection via Tarot and Astrology, both of which she has been studying and reading for 20 years.

A producer at heart, Sarah loves curating courses, workshops and events tailored to community, deep ecology, regenerative design and holistic health that highlight diverse and dynamic facilitators. Sarah is the friendly Village Witch, co-founder and producer of Envision Festival, a 10,000 person arts and culture event in Costa Rica (2011-present), where she curates the educational offerings spanning six stages and 300 hours. An international facilitator, Sarah has brought her teachings to the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Italy, Portugal, France and Germany.

Sarah lives off-the-grid half the year at her 2500 square meter homestead in the low mountains of Costa Rica, and the other half of the year in the coastal mountains of the Marche region of Italy with her husband where they host events and are developing a 1 hectare permaculture farm.

S4:E91 – Kenny Palurintano - You Are What (and How) You Eat (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 18th, 2024, Kenny Palurintano spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.

A lifelong anarchist, Kenny has been living out of a backpack since 2015, trust-falling the Universe every day, and starving the state in every way he can. After being a full-time content creator for more than half a decade, Kenny “retired from the internet” in early 2022, and has been happier ever since.

Since last TGR, he spent a solid 3 months just relaxing in nature & reading books, before going full steam into producing a 1-day conference called BE EMPOWERED, helping revitalize WeAreChangeColorado, co-producing the Buddha’s Underground US tour, creating & publishing a zine of Johnny Hurley’s writings, and stepping up in his role as a music promoter/manager/agent.

Besides promoting human liberation, individual sovereignty, and agorism, Kenny is known world-wide as a Food Medicine chef, teaches Authentic Relating & Communication courses, is a massive science fiction & fantasy geek, and is quite sure that full-on Spiritual Anarchist Star Trek is no more than a few generations away.

S4:E90 – Hakeem Anwar - Energetics: The Future of Health (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 17th, 2024, Hakeem Anwar spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 1: Liberate Your Mind, Body, & Soul.

Hakeem Anwar (formerly Ramiro Romani), technologist, entrepreneur, and educator will be sharing the foundational science behind energetics, demystifying how they work and pointing to a few technologies that should be in every household. He will announce a new project that connects energetic healers all over the world, and give his yearly update on Above, a privacy-focused technology company.

Hakeem believes in using technology for good. As a professional software engineer and technologist who was awake to the agenda, Hakeem quickly grew tired of corrupted and misguided corporate work. His heart drew him towards activist movements, in 2019 he began running technology infrastructure for The Freedom Cell Network and The Greater Reset, helping bring countless people all over the world together under one purpose, to live freely. This was the true power of technology. In 2021, Hakeem started #TakeBackOurTech, an educational initiative that publishes free guides on using friendly, private, open-source software. At the same time he founded Above, a privacy first tech company that provides professional private phone and laptop solutions, internet & communications services (email, encrypted chat, video conferencing, VPN, search) along with the support and education to empower people to use their tech confidently.

Join the movement: https://takebackourtech.org/

S4:E89 – Jason Christoff - Ancient Black Magic Mind Control In Our Modern Time (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

On January 17th, 2024, Jason Christoff spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 1: Liberate Your Mind, Body, & Soul.

Jason Christoff breaks down some real life examples of media/government mind control in our modern time, what the primary end goals are and how to make 2024 your best year yet.

Jason Christoff runs an international overcoming self sabotage and psychological reprogramming institute where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. Jason’s students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels. Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using this manipulative psychology against most of humanity. If we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years Jason believes that each citizen must understand these processes, as to protect themselves from future psychological operations.

Follow Jason: https://courses.jchristoff.com/