S4:E63 – Glenn Meder - Without Privacy, There Can Be No Freedom (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

2 years ago

On January 21, 2023, Glenn Meder spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 4: Take Back Our Tech.



Glenn Meder is an independent, trusted voice, which is rare in today’s world of activist journalists and commentators who try to stoke the division and hate that is consuming our world. Glenn talks about the importance of the eternal principles of individual freedom, respect for people and property, self-responsibility, peace and justice. “You can’t have freedom without privacy. Most people have no idea that big tech and Big Brother deceptively spy on us, track us and record everything we do online without our knowledge or consent. They then use this data to influence us, and they have mastered the art of controlling us without our knowledge.” Glenn believes that we are individually responsible to protect our own privacy, which is why he created the Privacy Action Plan (privacyactionplan.com), an online course that takes non-techy people through a step-by-step process to become private and secure online. Glenn also publishes the Glenn Meder Newsletter (glenn.substack.com) to shine the light of truth on the medical tyranny and government and banking power grab that is happening in our world right now.