S4:E104 – Sterlin Lujan - Meaning and Freedom: Relational Governance for a Society of Wisdom (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

1 month ago

On January 19, 2024, Sterlin Lujan spoke at The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation, on Day 3: Agorism & Parallel Networks.

Sterlin will explore the “meaning crisis” (John Vervaeke) and how nation-state governments have exacerbated modern malaise, discontent, the mental health epidemic, and subjugation. Sterlin will then analyze the psychological structure of nation-states and how they lack emotional connectivity to the populations they allegedly serve. Then, he will look at solution space: how new governance models based on profoundly human values are arising — like intentional communities, network states, panarchic societies, etc — to provide humans with more psychologically and socially sustainable living conditions based on decentralization, wisdom, and freedom.

Sterlin Lujan is a crypto-anarchist, extropianist, writer, communication professional, and futurist. He is the Former Comms Ambassador of Bitcoin.com and currently works as a core contributor for Logos, helping to communicate the idea of network states. Sterlin has spoken at dozens of cryptocurrency conferences and consults with businesses and entrepreneurs in the space.
