S4:E83 – Bodreay Fraser - A New Paradigm of Health and Empowerment (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation)

10 months ago

On January 17th, 2024, Bodreay Fraser spoke at The Greater Reset 5, for Day 1: Liberate Your Mind, Body, & Soul.

BoDreay Fraser is the Creator of iHealCollective, a conscious health community that aims to brings together diverse practitioners from all modalities and walks of life, to offer patients a variety of healing modalities . From Ancient Techniques to innovative technologies that are interconnected in aiding one’s wholistic healing journey bringing into alignment and reconnecting physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional body. Her aim is to create a place to educate people so they are empowered and have the ability advocate for their own health while understanding how to extend longevity, while preventing disease and injury.

Learn more: https://www.ihealcollective.com/