S4:E50 – River Richardson & Imanee Mamalution - Returning to the Land (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 19, 2023, River Richardson & Imanee Mamalution spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence.
Over the last two years, Imanee & River have traveled extensively bringing a message of hope with a solution-based approach supporting those looking to return to the land in healthy and resilient ways. They are pioneers in the hemp building industry and their services include Healthy Hemp Home Designs, Land Visits & Development Strategies and hands-on training. They have created the Haven Earth Network (HEN) for their members to serve as a portal for those looking to connect around natural building with hemp, regenerative solutions, homesteading and freedom. They are focused on educational agro-business models to support a move back to decentralized local models by offering real skills through the Haven Earth Trade School on land as well as courses online.