S4:E78 – Mariano Goren - The Key to Designing a Civilization of Your Own Design (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Mariano Goren spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.



Mariano Goren has been using Design to influence behavior for more than 20 years. One of his lifetime goals has been to help humanity become a Type-1 Civilization: one of abundance and expansion. With this in mind, he became obsessed with the study of psychology, businesses, and design–also cultivating the gentle and the martial arts, trying to make sense of how the world actually works. These last years were especially informative in that regard, and made him take a step forward to carry a different vision of what the world should look like. He founded ARCA Self-Sufficient Villages responding to that call.

S4:E77 – Miguel Peña - Mexico and Transitional Communities (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Miguel Peña spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.

Miguel is a Kombucha producer and community developer from Mexico.

S4:E76 – Alma Barajas-Alcalá - Soil & the Relationship with the Perpetual Cycle of Transformation in Communities (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Alma Barajas-Alcalá spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.


Alma Barajas is a geobiologist with a specialization in soil science. She loves to learn, respecting Mother Earth, promoting bio-construction projects, and ecological alternatives in the home. A significant contribution of Ms. Barajas in Mexico was to develop a soil model which enables sustainable cultivation of coffee in Oaxaca and avocados in Michoacán. She believes we can build eco-communities that integrate all aspects of being – the soul, knowledge, and human freedom.

S4:E75 – Dirk Christoph - Net Positivity vs Sustainability (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Ash Wiecek spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.



Dirk Christoph is a pioneer in the Net Positive Movement. Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineer and MBA from Germany. Worked for Siemens and BMW; then exited the Corporate World. Co founded and exited two successful Startups; then exited the conventional Startup World, bought a Sailboat and sailed through the Caribbean as part of his spiritual awakening process. He has since worked out a Masterplan how to bring humanity on a path towards building the ideal World driven by Net Positive Business and the Paradigm of Net Positivity.

S4:E74 – Ash Wiecek - A Story of Manifesting Our Reality (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Ash Wiecek spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.

Ash Wiecek is a homeschooling mom, homesteader, naturalist, farm-to-table chef, local and slow food entrepreneur, horticulturist, herbalist, and forager. Life forever changed for her in 2011 when her son was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition that was healed through supporting his body with proper nutrition rather than conventional medical treatment. From this point on, her priorities changed and grew into educating others on how food can be a natural medicine to support them in the journey through life as well. Her passions include connecting other humans, especially tiny humans, with the natural world around us. As an educator at Greenbriar Community School, she loves teaching others to grow, produce, and process food in relation to their nutrition and where it comes from. She also feels that living within community is a big part of raising and supporting our children and helping to heal the world from trauma. She thoroughly enjoys working with people to build strong relationships to themselves and others through nature and community. She lives, works and thrives with her family in an off-grid homestead nestled in the woods at Greenbriar’s surrounding intentional community.

S4:E73 – Dr. Lydia, Arturo Ponce de Leon - Sacred Geometry, Off Grid Living, & Holistic Architecture (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Dr. Lydia and Arturo Ponce de Leon spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.


Lydia is a Greek Architect and Wellness Coach, with a focus on the relation of buildings on health and well-being. She holds a Ph.D in Physiology on the subject of the effect on geophysical anomalies on biology and has published in peer-review journals and conferences, as well as an MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design. She is a member of Resonance Academy with the course “The Sacred Science of Ancient Temples”. She has been researching for 15 years the relation of ancient temples and their location, and sheis the author of the book “The Power of Sacred Location”. She is the creator of Healing Architecture and co-founder of Geophilia.

Arturo is a Mexican Architect, Engineer, Psychologist and expert in Sacred Geometry, which he has been teaching for 20 years and applying to architectural design in all scale projects. He is founder of the companies Psicogeometria, Arqka, University of Sacred Geometry and cofounder of Geophilia. He is the author of two books, “Psychogeometry: the power of life”, and “Biofractal: the science of Sacred Geometry and Biological Architecture”. He is an international speaker in universities, conferences and seminars.

S4:E72 – Nomad Brad - Mobile Homesteading (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Nomad Brad spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.


Nomad Brad has been converting vehicles into tiny homes for over 5 years while traveling the country in his custom creations. After establishing a home base in central Texas, he now empowers others to create their own freedom through Mobile Homesteading, food independence, & off-grid power technologies.

S4:E71 – Yoshi and Pola Pantera - Regenerating Cultures (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 22, 2023, Yoshi and Pola Pantera spoke at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 5: Building Free and Conscious Communities.



In response to global degenerative systems, Yoshi and Pola Pantera co-founded Collective Wave in 2009, a collective of talented creators committed to the regeneration of life through the design and production of regenerative projects for Mother Earth and transcendental experiences for people.

Yoshi Pantera is a Permaculture Designer, Festival & Retreat Producer, Plant Based Vegan Chef, Entrepreneur, Podcast Host, Poetry Writer and Salsa Dancer.

Pola Pantera is a Holistic Spiritual Chef, Permaculture Designer, Festival & Retreat Producer, Podcast Host, Singer-Songwriter and Dancer.

S4:E70 – Ramiro Romani - The Autonomous Lifestyle (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 21, 2023, Ramiro Romani spokeRa at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 4: Take Back Our Tech.



Ramiro Romani is a technologist, activist, educator, and entrepreneur who dropped his corporate career to work on meaningful social movements. He is a core member of the Freedom Cell Network, and co-producer of The Greater Reset. He’s helped grow both of these movements to tens and thousands of people while protecting the privacy of their users.

Since then he has began educating and assisting others through his own projects. #TakeBackOurTech is an educational initiative that releases free content on how individuals can increase their privacy and security by using friendly technologies. He’s also launched his own company, Above Agency which recently released above.phone – a complete privacy phone solution that combines secure hardware, open-source operating systems, and cutting-edge privacy services.

S4:E69 – PANEL: Can Digital Tech Really Lead to Privacy? (The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation)

On January 21, 2023, David Croisant (Start9 Labs), Parazyd (DarkFi), and Glenn Meder participated in the panel "Can Digital Tech Really Lead to Privacy?" at The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation on Day 4: Take Back Our Tech.